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Research Associate- Infection Analytics Program, The Kirby Institute in Sydney, NSW
The Research Associates will assist the IAP team with evidence synthesis projects, including creating the Framework for Evidence Evaluation in Vaccine Assessment (FEEVA).
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor - Advocacy and Career Development in Health Professions in Sydney, NSW
This position will make a significant contribution to educational excellence in the School of Health Sciences and will teach across the disciplines, into all health professional programs, specifically leading the development of our students in advocacy, innovation in healthcare and developing their careers across a broad scope of practice settings.
Postdoctoral Fellow in Condition Monitoring for Aircraft Propulsion in Sydney, NSW
Conduct research in the field of condition monitoring for aircraft propulsion independently and as part of a team.
Development Manager - Philanthropy in Sydney, NSW
The Development Manager is an experienced philanthropy professional with an entrepreneurial approach who will take a leading role to support the growth of UNSW's fundraising program.
Casual Academic Talent Pool - Canberra School of Professional Studies in Canberra, ACT
Canberra School of Professional Studies, UNSW Canberra extends a warm invitation to join our casual academic teaching team to support the delivery of quality teaching in a range of roles including casual lecturers, lab demonstrators, tutors, and markers.
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